Reports from the field:
Most Recent Testimonies:
Dr John
Back around 1995, Doug and I sat in your WIDP training and had our profiles done. After reading them you told us to be prepared to come into money because our scores were both so high on giving you believed God would supply bountifully for us.
We were a one income family of 7. We struggled financially but God always provided more than enough. With that said, here we are 25 or so years later and we are experiencing that type of financial freedom.
It didn’t happen overnight but seemed most anything we put our hand to (buying and selling real estate as well as Doug’s corporate America job). God gave us favor!
We live in a beautiful lakefront home (with boat,jet ski and such not that it’s about material things ) we open for people to come stay if they are traveling through or need a retreat, and have owned a second home at the beach off and on for 12 years. Own mobile home parks to provide affordable over 55 living (not slum lords as the parks are nicely maintained)
We do not rent our second home but use it as a place to not only enjoy but send people who we feel God puts on our heart to send there. It’s all His anyways right?
We truly love to give and have never out given God. I think people have it backwards. They think they have to wait until they have plenty to give but we learned a long time ago that we ALL as believers have something give. We remember giving up our bed for missionaries coming through when we didn’t have extra. Many times God would put something on my or Doug’s heart to do for someone ( a few times it was sending families that didn’t have much to Disney world all expenses paid). God always confirmed it with both us us.
I don’t want to name all the things as our treasures truly are in heaven but many times we talk about that meeting with you when we could not imagine his that could happen in our lives, but it did!
We have 5 married children(well one getting remarried in March) and 14 beautiful and healthy grandbabies.
To God be the glory!
Joni Brockelbank, December 22, 2022 (Used with permission)
“I think the best thing I ever did in my adult life will start digging deep and asking myself why I am the way I am and do the things the way I do. It takes a ton of work and intentionality, but getting to know yourself on a deeper level will help you thrive.” April Cover 11/30/2022 (Used with permission)
I have read Dr. Worley's book “Discover Family Social Needs & Desires; Your Familes Social Temperament is Determined at Conception! It's NOT Character, Personality, or Behavior!"” three times and I learn something every time. It is written very well. I like the way Dr. Worley describes all the parts of temperament with his well and complete thoughts he leaves no questions.
The only improvement I see are two words that are not used in our everyday communication to each other are “intrinsic” (means natural or true) and “phlegmatic” (which means cool or sluggish). Sometimes a word can change your idea or thought of what the writers presenting if you don’t understand a word.
This book is very well written and has a lot of thought put into what Dr. Worley’s is presenting. He puts the reader right in the book and pulls their thoughts into alignment with what he’s presenting. This book gives you the framework for developing strong family interactions in a healthy way by understanding your and others temperament. Understand temperament is life-changing and can bring harmony into all our relationships.
Congratulations to Dr. Worley for writing this wonderful book. Everyone should read this book.
Charles Burckholter 09-05-2022
Good morning Sam and Don!
What an incredible opportunity it was to be a part of the inner workings of the WIDP, I can’t begin to thank you enough for all of the gifts I have received from this experience!!! My brain is on fire and has kicked itself into high gear digesting all that I have learned!!!!
I love this tool and the brainpower behind its creation! NOW is the time for it to shine!!!!
It is truly fascinating what is happening in the business world as a result of COVID. Whether it is the potential of an extremely high percentage of the workforce choosing to leave for remote options, business downsizing/combing jobs, women existing to pursue other opportunities including childbearing, or the push to “level-up” what is needed now/most in all of these scenarios is a tool that can deliver a “look before you leap” opportunity for one to consider the benefits/consequences of these momentous decisions. WOW!!! How awesome is it to be the one that has the tool!!!!
On the flip side of this is where the WIDP really connects with my heart. This is such a powerful tool to bring healing to those suffering emotionally. Thomas alluded to it when he and Dr. Worley were discussing how they met. He had mentioned the difficult point he was at in his life at that time. I know this personally, Its insights are life-changing!!!! I am beyond excited to help get this into the church I am working with as part of their Care Ministry. I begin training with Charmel and her team tomorrow night for their program kicking off on the 24th. She is very excited too to connect with you in the near future to discuss the WIDP I’m greater detail!!!
Thank you both for everything and for giving my brain this opportunity to play!!!!! The attendees were magical, I could have spent days just soaking in their ideas too!!!
I love this tool and can feel the energy building for all of the blessings it will bring to others in this new year!!!! Please pass along to Dr. Worley a GIANT thank you for his tremendous work and lifelong commitment to helping others!!! What a beautiful loving family he has too!!!!
Many blessings to you and your families as well!!!
-Kimberly 01/16/2022
WIDP has been a proven asset in client assessment and counseling. I have used this instrument in one-on-one counseling sessions and group assessments for family counseling and corporate team building. The WIDP profiling tool provides a rapid means to understand individuals' social, leadership and relationship attributes along with potential strengths and areas for improvement. In a team setting, you can quickly identify team compatibility and potential team conflicts. I strongly recommend “Inside Insights” written by Dr. John Worley as an excellent look at the author’s WIDP profiling tool.
Stephen Engman
Personal Development Consultant 2021
I met Dr. Worley in a state of confusion and panic. I was on the cusp of many changes in my life (known and unknown) and ill-equipped to face them effectively. I was living in a state of detachment from myself, my interests, and my support systems. After a series of self-testing, I was provided a thorough profile of my temperament. Through Dr. Worley's program and careful guidance, I suddenly became aware of my intrinsic nature, of who I truly am. We carefully unpacked my profile, highlighting my strengths and finding workarounds for the less desirable areas of my makeup. He moved quickly and effectively to attack my co-dependence, forcing it into submission for good. Dr. Worley promised me a new life, and he delivered. I am a confident and worthy woman, and I owe that to WIDP. I trust in the validity of this profile and urge anyone seeking a higher understanding of themselves to explore cognitive behavioral therapy!
Katherine - 2021
"The WIDP helped me realize where my social anxieties and challenges were stemming from. This knowledge set me free from my baseless fears and allowed me to flourish in both work and personal relationships. As a result, I'm far less stressed and, therefore, a much happier person! So grateful for the knowledge of WIDP."
Anonymous 2021
"Dr. John Wayne Worley ... lovingly helped me to go through and successfully deal with one of the worst crises in my life. The incident happened two decades ago when I lived and worked in the U.S. in an official assignment for the Brazilian Government. I do not exaggerate when I say that his support was paramount for my family and me at that moment and, for those who share my worldview and my faith, that coming to know him was indeed a gift from God. At center stage of his praxis was his wonderful psychological self-discovery tool, Worley's Identity Discovery Profile, which very rapidly and precisely pinpointed my temperamental traits that contributed so markedly for the condition that led me to seek for his professional counsel, as well as potential and actual aspects of my family's interpersonal dynamics that demanded improvement. May your book reach and dramatically improve the lives of every human needing WIDP, the same way it did for me." -- Jurandyr de Souza Fonseca, MSc, Colonel Aviator (retired)
"Regardless if one hires, manages, coaches, or commands, WIDP is the ultimate tool which ensures complete temperament assessment of potentially new, or existing, personnel. WIDP allows an organization to situate people in the proper placement to ensure maximum efficiency, production, and management. I know of no other tool which delivers such consistent, accurate analysis of the human psyche. -- Peter Dunnington, OSP FiOS Engineer, Project Manager (ret.)
"Having spent many years working with Personality Assessment tools such as the MBTI, DiSC, & FIRO-B, I was just amazed at the powerful and all-encompassing results provided by WIDP. Within minutes, WIDP provided me with an individual's inherent needs, desires & motivations in three key life areas. It also offered in-depth sight into the persons Desired and Demonstrated Behaviors. Having applied this Temperament Assessment tool for many years now, I find myself in awe of its essential application value during Hiring, Team Building, Conflict Resolution, Position Strengthening, Leadership Development, and Individual Enrichment. It has helped my various teams understand the true meaning of Diversity, as this tool provides a strong message of Acceptance, Inclusion, and Tolerance. Finally, for the individuals who are assessed, resounding results are achieved time and again. -- Mario di Girolamo, Medical Services Operations Manager
"I've had the pleasure of knowing and working with Dr. John Worley for almost nine years. During that time, Dr. Worley helped me with numerous assignments and helped several of my friends and business associates with their personal–business issues. In addition, he has time and again helped me to resolve critical business and personal matters. These include discussions relating to my creating and leading three national companies to address organizational issues to personal growth issues. John's advice and support have been precious to me.
"My early involvement with John included his development of a number of my senior staff - from an "Executive Coaching" capacity. He excelled in that task. Later, he was engaged to conduct organizational development activities, spending time with each senior leader and doing the remarkable Worley ID Profile assessment system, and debriefing each. That assignment challenged the company management to understand better each person's natural temperament, which later facilitated team building and improved communications. As an HR advisor, John is a precious resource.
"I have sought John's advice many times over the years to help me sort out and resolve personal, family and business challenges. I have never been disappointed with John's support, advice, or direction. Further, I find John to be quite direct and to the point. That is a refreshing change from most HR or counselor types who seem to create "dependent" relationships. (Those where you always need to spend more time & money before a direction is finalized).
"John has my unqualified endorsement for anyone needing an executive coach or strategic advisor. On a personal level, I find John to be one of the most brilliant, insightful, and personable, and compassionate people that I know. -- Greg Wing, President, Bedford Capital Corp.
Critically important personal insights
"After being unemployed 14 months, I signed up with a career coach to help me shift to new professional status, and it is a career decision that has propelled me further than I could have imagined. He has evaluated me through a unique personal discovery profile and is coaching me to unify my personality with my new career. If anyone wants help transitioning to a new career (or to a new job), please let me know, and I can give you more information. He is indeed a unique and gifted coach who also provides professional coaching services to all executives. -- Peter Thompson, Real Estate Broker
Greater harmony in families and relationships
"Worley's Identity Discovery Profile was a life-changer for our family. My father assessed me when I was 12 and found out that we were both natural-born leaders. He immediately knew how to speak with me in a way that saved our relationship, one that continues to flourish to this day. Several years ago, I started my own Behavioral Consulting business that uses the WIDP as a fundamental tool to have conversations and resolve/prevent conflict in every environment. Knowing that organizations, churches, orphanages, families, and relationships, to name a few, are all simply the people within them, the WIDP allows a person to enter into any conversation or situation on a shared understanding and to love each other as they each need to be loved. This tool allowed me to see that God's design for me is intentional for the work He has for me to do. This will enable me to point others to their calling and to hear God's voice in their life, experiencing His will being carried out on each one's unique design! We must understand God's intention and see others through His eyes, and that's what the WIDP reveals! What a powerful tool to help get our needs met and meet the needs of others in love and humility! -- Sam Stevens, Owner/Founder, Humble Pie Solutions
Helping spiritual leaders find clarity
"WIDP has made a profound impact on my life personally and professionally. I have used other assessment tools in psychometrics before, but none of them created as linear of a baseline and dimensional understanding of the human temperament as WIDP. On a personal level, my level of self-understanding became more in-depth, more granular, thereby helping me to explain who I am to those I am in a relationship with. Conversely, I can understand those closest to me better than ever before. On a professional level, my team-building skillset has become more highly advanced through the use of WIDP. Employee coaching, conflict resolution, and task assignment have all become more efficient.
"People can have a more accurate picture of who they were created to be and enjoy much fuller relationships through the greater understanding of the human expression that WIDP affords. In the 25 years I have known John Worley, his tutelage, along with WIDP, have forever changed and enhanced my life. But not only mine but also the countless people who have been mentored using WIDP throughout my life professionally and in ministry. Each coaching session and seminar using WIDP have always brought the same reaction, uplift, and enlightenment. And for that, we are all forever grateful. -- Richard Henry, Pastor, and Entrepreneur
A vital assessment tool for business teams
As President of an information technology consulting company, I have found Worley's ID Profile to be a valuable Human Resource assessment tool to identify individual strengths and provide critical input to successful team building. Worley's ID Profile, combined with the expertise of working one-on-one with the companies' highly trained staff, has provided greater personal insight and enabled personal improvements. The results are higher productivity and improved business and personal relationships. I highly recommend engaging Worley's ID Profile for personal growth, corporate management coaching, and team-building initiatives.
Stephen Engman
ITC Consulting Group, LLC
"I have been using WIDP in my Christian Counseling practice since attending Dr. Worley's WIDP Training Seminar in 1997. I consider it an indispensable tool in assisting individuals, couples, families, and congregations. It is the most effective and detailed profile I have found in over 20 years of ministry. I highly recommend WIDP! -- Don C. Stevens, L.P.C., Burton, Texas
"The Worley ID Profile is, in my opinion – pure genius – share it with the world. It's fun building His kingdom together. -- Jim Charron, Executive Director, Sharing Way, Atlanta, GA